Multi Engine Rating

Add-on Multi Engine Pilot Course Overview
Cessna 310H

Hourly Breakdown
7 hours aircraft rental wet @ $275 / hour $1925.00
7 hours flight instruction @ $40 / hour $280.00
1.5 hours aircraft rental checkride   $412.50
7 hours groundschool @ $35 / hour $245.00
total $2862.50

This estimate is based on a current pilot with average ability, fully focused and ready to pay attention. You will be flying a Cessna 310 once owned by B-17 Memphis Belle and B-29 Dauntless Dotty pilot Robert K Morgan.

Early in your training we will be able to advise you whether the above time estimates are realistic or not. Any additional time needed will be extra. Examiner fees are extra.

Tippecanoe Vlley Aero, Inc.
2222 S Airport Road
Monticello, IN 47960